Thursday 26 March 2015

A Way To Know If A Job In Journalism Meets Your Requirements

By George Dodson

If you're looking for ways on how to know if you're fit for a journalism career then this article would be very helpful for you. If it's money or fame that you're aiming to achieve in journalism then you should reconsider.

You could easily tell if journalism is a good career for you if you are aware of the things to expect from being a journalist and learn to accept it. These truths would help you compare the job with other career opportunities, will help you convince yourself if this is that path that you really need to take and if you are really dedicated in this kind of career.

Here are the truths about the journalism career that you need to accept if you want take this path in the future. You don't get paid much out of being a journalist Yes you?ve read it right. Despite your passion or love for writing or reporting, one undeniable truth about being a journalist is that it can pay at lower rate. As a journalist, your primary task would be writing articles which wouldn't really require much effort thus the small pay. Should you be an excellent writer then you should probably stay off the journalism industry and just be a book, novel or script writer which pays bigger bucks. For any journalist, being able to come up with wonderful and amazing content in an article is just credited as those standard or basic articles. So, if you?re looking for money in this kind of career then it?s better to cross this career out of your list.

Less to no promotion If you love promotions as well as getting credits out of your efforts then you'll be surprised to know that the journalism career doesn't have much of these. Promotions involve climbing up the ladder in your line of work however for journalism you don't have any more higher levels or positions to climb up to. Any form of credits, outstanding performances or efforts would only be appreciated and would not give any merit for promotion. You can however have a better position or situation being a journalist if you are transferred to another network, company, firm or team.

Live a dangerous life Obviously, being a journalist would need one to go to places where danger is present. They need to do so because people what to know about it and it is a way to let people feel of the situation. If the project requires the journalist to be near an erupting volcano then he or she needs to do so to be able to get or deliver as much information as possible. If you are looking for challenges, into extreme situations or simply dangerous situations then this career can be a good choice for you however if you?re not be sure to opt for something else.

Journalists are often criticized Most people that will do these criticisms will be fellow journalists, writers, and even your team. Oftentimes these criticisms arise whenever people have an opposite opinion with yours. Many journalists often breakdown or even fire up when these criticisms happen and they end up doing unexpected things such as quitting their job, initiating a fight with other people, getting fired, depressed and others. If you can't control your emotions and can easily give in to criticisms then you might as well quit the dream of being a journalist.

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