Tuesday, 30 July 2013

You May Look At A Cholesterol Chart

By Zaiden W Xavier

Are you healthy or unhealthy? Would you like to know the answer to that question? In order to find out, you can look at a cholesterol chart. Depending on what kind of chart you look at, you will find a variety of things.

The amount you eat from one day to the next determines your cholesterol levels, particularly depending on what kinds of food you eat, and in what cholesterol range they fall. Different foods can carry different amounts of this harmful fat, and foods that have a lot of it are not considered to be good for you. If you decide to partake in these foods, perhaps you should refrain from consuming vast quantities, no matter the level of your physical activity, particularly if you want to be in shape.

Triglyceride can be dangerous if they are found to be overly present in your body. They are the main source of oil in the body, and levels can be reduced in a number of ways. For instance. Exercise helps in their reduction, as does the consumption of omega three from fatty acids. These fatty acids can be found in flax seed oil and fix, as well as other things.

LDL is low density lipoprotein. HDL is high density lipoprotein. These two types of lipoprotein are types of cholesterol. There are differences between the two. LDL is said to be bad for you because it builds plaque in your arteries, and can thus be a leading cause of heart disease. HDL, however, is supposed to be good for you, as it removes harmful LDL from your body.

If you are looking at one of the charts mentioned before, you should look for several things. Make sure you look for triglyceride levels, HDL levels, LDL levels and total cholesterol levels. It is important that the chart takes into account several or all of these factors. If you are unsure of the quality of the chart, consult a doctor in order to get accurate measurements.

Many restaurants have taken to placing a form of these charts somewhere in their facilities, as it is required in most places. The charts included in most restaurants usually feature calorie count, sodium levels, vitamin levels, sugar levels and the like for each item they offer. Cholesterol is sometimes offered, but triglycerides are not always to be found.

Fairly soon, you will no longer need to worry so much about your health. You now know to look at a cholesterol risk chart so that you can keep track of what you eat and how bad it is for you. In doing this, your are about to embark on a journey that will lead you to becoming the portrait of fitness, all thanks to a little adjustment in your diet.

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