Tuesday 24 September 2013

Could WWE Performance Center Utilize Adventure Racing?

By Robbie Sutter

When it comes to honing the skills of the stars of the future, nothing has seemingly come close to the WWE Performance Center. It was recently opened and I think that there's a great deal of potential there for young stars to make their rounds. Not only do they have a training facility meant to help build their characters as well as their in-ring skills but it has done so with the greatest technology available. That being said, can adventure racing play a part, too?

The first rule of thumb I'd like to point out is that the Performance Center is able to work on a number of aspects. It's not only strength that is built upon but speed and finesse comes together in order for the best physical structures. In addition, wrestlers have to be comfortable when speaking, especially when it comes to arenas that have thousands upon thousands of people watching. If there isn't that sense of connection to the crowd, they won't be as successful in the long run.

Do not make any mistake about it; training grounds are not exactly new concepts. In fact, it's clear that the Performance Center has been built upon the foundation of past facilities only with far greater technology behind it. It seems like there is a much more substantial budget behind it, whether you're looking at multiple rings to work within or a recording studio for the sake of cutting interviews. As you can see, talent has more at their disposal than ever before, meaning that results are more likely to come about.

You may be curious as to how adventure racing can come into play as far as this idea is concerned. You have to keep in mind that both strength and speed alike come together in order to bring the best performances out of individuals. Without one or another, a well-rounded collection of skills is not going to be seen, which is unfortunate to say the least. You want to make sure that you're able to make an impact and this is where events like Spartan Race have been more than able to prove themselves.

WWE has a great future ahead and I think that the Performance Center is going to play into this concept in a great way. The reason that I say this is because that this is training ground, without question. It's clear that talent is going to be able to gain the proper amount of honing since it seems like, in the past, people have been brought onto TV without all of the necessary skills to make a true impact. WWE has shifted this quite a bit and I'm glad to see it.

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