Wednesday 25 September 2013

Internet Marketing Strategies You Can Use Today

By Dan Vlad

There are several factors responsible for the tremendous upsurge seen with internet marketing, and the this trend has no apparent end in sight. In this articles we'll cover just a few good online marketing tips you can put to good use right away.

PPC, or pay per click, advertising is still a very powerful form of advertising, and basically you just pay for your clicks. This is performance based advertising, which is why you'll find high competition from other advertisers, especially when you're using services like Google AdWords, MSN AdCenter or Yahoo! Search Marketing. One thing we always tell people is to go to the smaller PPC neworks, and what you'll find is less competition and cheaper ad rates. These smaller, secondary PPC networks exist in the hundreds, so there's plenty of room and the costs per click are much less than the big three. You'll also enjoy that these smaller places do not have overly complicated software platforms, so you can be up and running very quickly. You might think this is all basic, but consider that you want targeted traffic as cheaply and quickly as possible, and that is what these smaller places represent.

One more simply way to move your web marketing endeavor forward is to participate in other blogs in your niche by commenting, to become better known. One of the best perks of commenting is that you can leave a link, so people intrigued by your comment can click through and visit your website. Each link you put in a comment is also a targeted backlink to your own site. Leaving a comment here and there is simple and straightforward, and has a huge overall effect in the end. There are many times when you'll find blogs that have a high PR, and when you comment on them, it'll also contribute to your PR. Also, don't forget to leave your keyword in the anchor text of your link, since it really matters to the search engines.

Why those keywords, you ask? Obviously since they are less popular, they'll have less competition and thus be easier to rank for in the SERPS. They will have some goodly amount of search volume. These keyword phrases are known as the long tail keywords because they involve 3-4 words in them. Another point is that people who use these phrases tend to know specifically what they're looking for, unlike those who search using only one or two word phrases. The cool thing about these particular keyword phrases is they have a more narrower focus and intent with the surfer. This strategy can take you a long way because once you have your site optimized for a bunch of keywords; soon you'll see collective traffic coming in from all of them. Imagine tens of thousands in traffic without buying any form of advertising. However you need to learn how to do this properly, and proper choice of keywords is critical in this process.

Overall, internet marketing does not have to be as difficult as it seems, but it is important that you know what you're doing to some extent.

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