Monday 23 September 2013

The Advantages And Cons Of Instant Tan Spray

By Haywwod Hunter

Depending on the culture, most people like having a bit of color. But it is widely known that laying out in the sun with the UV rays hitting the body is not the best for ones overall health. One of the options though is going and getting an instant tan spray. For those that are not sure if this is the right way to go, here are a few pros and cons that might help make that decision.

By heading to the beach or tanning bed, one needs to think about their health and different risks that the UV rays may cause. There is little protection from the sun when sitting directly under it, and this can eventually lead to skin cancer. Many opt to go for this option that is done in a booth in a salon, far enough away from the UV rays and the consequences they have on the body. Their skin does not get nearly as damaged, and will keep the skin looking healthy longer. All too often there are people who have enjoyed the sun a bit too much leaving their skin with leather looking texture.

One of the most enticing aspects of going this route is that there is instant gratification. A person can walk in feeling pasty, and then leave with a beautiful tan color. This can be a great way to go if there are special parties coming up, class reunions, or just for a little treat that is deserved.

But looking at the disadvantages of going this route, there are many. The chemical in this spray is dihdroxyacetone, DHA for short. While it is FDA approved, there may still be side effects that one should take note of. While standing in the booth it is possible that this can get in ones eyes, lips, or accidentally inhaled. For those that have asthma, it is important to get the approval of a doctor before getting this done.

The chemical is never absorbed into the skin, but remains on the surface, hence why the tan only lasts for a few days. The colorant fades because the dead skin cells are shed. Because it does fade so quickly, this can also be a drawback for many. Having to go back and reapply every few days can get quite expensive after awhile. For those that exfoliate daily, the color will come off even quicker, but it still lasts longer than the tinted lotions, which tend to wash off very easily. There is also a chance of skin discoloration depending on the skin tone and condition. By exfoliating right before going in for the spray, the chances of it coming out evenly are higher.

Beware that this may leave stains on the bed, clothes, hands, and possibly other objects. Wait at least twenty-minutes before putting on fresh clothes. And if the hands get stained, wash them right away with soap and water.

DHA does not have any type of sun protection in it, so it is still important to take preventative measures when going under direct sunlight. Hang on to the sun hats, glasses, and sunscreen, and find shade when possible. Also remember to stay hydrated when out and about.

The instant tan spray is not for everyone, but may be the answer for others. It really depends on how important it is to be tan, and at what cost, both financially and health wise. Write down the pros and cons, and go from there. Best of luck and enjoy the weather.

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