Wednesday 25 September 2013

The Important Muscle Building Role Played By Deadlifts And Squats

By Arnold Sylvester

For many people out there, the toughest aspect of learning how to build muscle is discovering that they can progress incredibly far by simply learning the basic principles of lifting weights. For example, learning how to deadlift and squat correctly is such a vital step.

Yet so few people take the time to nail down the principles.

They usually opt in favor of looking in vain to find an instant, overnight fix to all of their problems. A fix which, of course, does not yet exist.

That's why those same individuals often waste their first two years of training before finally realizing that there is no quick fix.

You can begin on the right track by perfecting your lifting technique on your compound moves. These big lifts will give you more benefits and hypertrophy than any quick fix workout dvd or post workout nutritional supplement.

These exercises are known as compound exercises. That's because they involve more than one muscle group. Involving multiple joints means that you have to recruit more muscle fibers to get you through the exercises. More fiber recruitment means more growth, it's as simple as that!
Learn the correct techniques showing you how to deadlift here.

If you have ever noticed how most men train in your local gym, you will realize the common tendency to spend too long doing cardio when their goal is fat loss and also too long concentrating on isolation exercises - smaller moves which only involve one muscle group, i.e. biceps or forearms. This doesn't lead to success.

Shorter, more intense bursts of cardiovascular exercise, often referred to as HIIT, have been clearly shown in several high profile scientific studies to burn more than twice the fat against regular, long cardiovascular exercise. They also retain muscle tissue much better, too. So that's the first change to make here.

The hypertrophy benefits of focusing primarily on big compound lifts have also been clearly documented. Exercises such as the deadlift, incline bench press and shoulder press are famous for good reason.

So the next time you are stuck for an exercise to do, think big. Because in order to get big, you need to train with the biggest exercises and hit your biggest muscle groups, such as your back and legs. These are also the key areas most men neglect, in favor of constantly hitting the ego muscles of chest, shoulders and arms.

While every man and his dog will tell you how to build muscle with a different theory, the latest science does not lie or exaggerate. If you want proven results in the gym, learn how to deadlift, how to squat and how to bench press effectively.

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