Sunday 22 September 2013

Utilizing Online Marketing Alongside Upcoming "WWE2K14"

By Rob Sutter

"WWE2K14," in my eyes, has received a tremendous amount of hype in the past and for good reasons. It's a wrestling game that has been able to catch the attention of many and I believe one of the causes has to do with the publisher being 2K instead of the standard that was once THQ. Expectations have to be met or else fans are not going to be content with the produce released. Online marketing could assist the game en route to its ultimate release date.

While Yukes is still going to be in control of how the actual game is programmed, doesn't it seem more attention has been given to what the fans have been craving? Take the Ultimate Warrior, for example, who has seemingly been absent from all other games in this particular franchise. You can make the claim that it was about Warrior's previous tension with WWE in the past, which has been well-documented. Nonetheless, fans have wanted to see him in the games for quite some time. Would he ever appear, many have wondered?

Recently, it was announced that Warrior would appear in the game as a preorder bonus, which sparked conversation amongst the wrestling crowd. A video trailer was shown and it showed an aged yet still intense Warrior cutting a promo that was as eccentric as it was back in the late 80's and early 90's. To some, it came across as strange but others found it either nostalgic or downright hilarious. It showed that those who bought the game were going to have much to look forward to this time around.

Even before then, though, he was being hinted at by WWE in a terrific showing of online marketing. On Facebook, separate images of the Ultimate Warrior were shown but you were never certain as to it truly was. You didn't know whose bicep belonged to, for example, so there was still that sense of uncertainty. It was a great way to engage fans, which is the focus of firms along the lines of fishbat and the work that they go about for a number of clients.

"WWE2K14" has been nothing short of excellent as far as its advertising is concerned and I think that this was a great way to get fans even more engaged. It's clear that announcing a fan favorite is always going to get a reaction, more preferably a favorable one. It's hard to say, though, whether or not this particular title is going to be able to make strides in terms of sales. Hopefully it will, judging by how much attention this title has gained thus far.

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