Tuesday 24 September 2013

When Is Furnace Repair An Option For Homeowners

By Greg Nickels

No one wants to hear that his or her heating system is red tagged. This news means the gas utility worker or HVAC contractor has found a crack in the heat exchanger. By law, the system must be disabled until it is repaired or replaced, due to the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning. At this point, the owner faces the choice of furnace repair or replacement.

Many things can add up to a crack in the heat exchanger. It may be the natural aging of the metal. However, a problem that is just as common is allowing the chamber to operate when dirty. This condition results in overheating, increasing the energy bills and causing cracks in the chamber.

Diagnosing the problem can be challenging; however, any time a Carbon Monoxide detector is activated and there are no apparent causes, the heating system should be inspected. Regular maintenance is a key to a clean system that does not prematurely fail. HVAC contractors can clean deeper than the homeowner is able.

As units age beyond the ten year mark, they move to the point that replacement is the best option. Older parts are often impossible to find and repairs more expensive than their value. The new unit will be more energy efficient an help to pay for itself in lower operating costs.

If the system is newer, making repairs may be an option. Even so, it is sometimes difficult to get the needed parts. Owners will want to have a dependable supplemental heat source to protect plumbing and keep occupants comfortable. Fortunately, many newer units are still under the manufacturer's warranty.

Furnace repair for red tagged units is best with newer systems. The best way to prevent this type of failure is to provide annual maintenance of the system. This ensures longest life of the investment a homeowner makes in a heating unit.

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