Wednesday 30 October 2013

The Value Of Your Professor

By Franklin Skribbit

If You Are Facing A Career Change In Your Life Or Perhaps You Are Not Sure What You Would Like To Study Consider Nursing. The Benefits That Nurses Have In Their Careers Is Quite Astounding. Here Are The Top 10 Benefits Of Becoming A Nurse. 1. Nursing Is In High Demand Despite The Slow Economy. Rn's Are Sought For Both Within And Outside The U.S. And The Demand For Nurses Will Continue To Grow As The Baby Boomer Population Ages Overall. This Provides You With Job Stability. It Also Allows You To Work Almost Anywhere Since The Demand Is So Great.

Become a Better

Time is a very valuable commodity and it is the once thing that we all share equally. Individuals vary in what they choose to do with their time and how much they can accomplish during the time they are given. Depending on who you are as an individual you may require more time when it comes to studying and you need to allocate your time according to your goals. Some classes are more important than others. Perhaps you need a good grade in a class as part of your program. Perhaps you need to spend some time on easier classes to get A's to boost your GPA. Understand your priorities and list your classes in order.

4. The education requirements are relatively low. The minimum education requirements include a two year associate's degree and passing a licensing exam (the exam must be taken for each state you wish to work in). Compare this to the four years of medical school plus 3+ years residency it takes to become a doctor and you have quite a deal. Since the requirements are low you also save money with a minimal amount of debt compared to the hundreds of thousands in debt you can expect from medical school.

Networking is another great benefit that your professor can provide. Their network includes other professors throughout the school, students, and professional contacts made throughout a lifetime. All of these contacts can be very valuable to you. Your professor will have the low down on different professors and can give you recommendations about which classes to take and from whom to take them. Other students interested in your similar field can be reached and partnerships can develop. Often startups are begun by fellow students who share classes together.

3. Live Healthily

7. Nurses can choose to specialize in order to become experts in a specific area. Examples of this include oncology, heart patients, anesthetics, or psychiatric nursing. They interact with doctors and can take the opportunity to learn from them. You are not tied down to your specialty either as you can move around to different fields, unlike doctors.

A third benefit that your professors bring to the table is life experience. They have been in your shoes before. They have faced concerns about which classes to take, when to take them, how to find a job after college, which career to pursue, etc.

Make sure that you sleep well the night before and eat in the morning. You definitely do not want hunger cravings in the middle of your test. Plan to arrive early at the testing center, or get up early and on the computer for your online test. This helps you avoid any unseen problems in travel or software and avoids and pre-test stress. Spend twenty minutes skimming over the material you have been studying to make it top of mind.

10. Your abilities can be applied outside work. You will be able to understand and better care for you family and friends in a way that many in other professions never could.

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