Filing bankruptcy puts a 10 year black mark on your credit and devastates your credit score. Getting after bankruptcy credit that you don't have to pay through the nose to qualify for can be next to impossible if you don't implement these vital steps to begin rebuilding your credit immediately. There are 4 key factors involved in repairing your credit after bankruptcy; they are to keep an eye on your credit report, set up a household budget, and begin reconstructing your after bankruptcy credit by applying for 2 specific types of credit and learn how to use them responsibly.
In fact, there are plenty of ways you can use to file court petition for bankruptcy. For example, if you can hire bankruptcy lawyers to do the job for you or you can avail the various online bankruptcy services available on Internet, or if you are a legal expert and you know the ins and outs of the various bankruptcy laws, you may choose to go for personal filing.
The Canadian Bankruptcy Process After having things reviewed by a licensed trustee and you determine that a bankruptcy is the best fit, you are then are able to proceed with the filing of the bankruptcy. In order to proceed with the filing the trustee will require more detail than you originally provided. At your initial meeting your trustee will have given you a number of different reference documents as well as an application form. This application form needs to be filled out and returned to your trustee's office for processing. Within this application is all the required information your trustee needs to prepare the formal bankruptcy documents. From here your file must be processed, your trustee's office will need a little time to take the information in the application form an turn it into the legal documents that will make the bankruptcy official. When your trustee is finished processing your application form they will schedule a time for you to sign these documents and formalize the bankruptcy. By signing these documents court protection will be automatically put in place. This "stay of proceedings" is protection that prevents your creditors from being able to chase you for the debt. At this point they must stop the phone calls, the interest and any other collection activity they have taken. Now practically there is always a bit of a time delay between the actual signing of the documents and all the creditors notifying all areas of their organization, but fairly quickly the creditors will be notified.. As a result of the formal filing your creditors must not deal with your trustee and you are given the necessary space to be able to focus on the duties you must complete as part of the bankruptcy process.
If you do not want to hire a bankruptcy attorney, it will be wiser for you to take advantage of the various online bankruptcy services. They are known as online bankruptcy form processors. They will help you in several ways.
The second responsibility you will have relates to the cost of bankruptcy. There is a cost to file a bankruptcy, it is a monthly cost that is largely governed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (a division of the Federal government). They have set a threshold level of income that is allowable given your family size. If your income falls below the threshold you qualify for a minimum cost that is set by the local trustee and if your income exceeds the threshold your cost of bankruptcy will be based on a calculation that is mandated across the country. Again, this is something that your trustee will review with you in detail well in advance of you filing for bankruptcy.
Personal bankruptcy loans, auto bankruptcy loans or mortgage after bankruptcy loans are the other types of installment loans you need to apply for to reconstruct your after bankruptcy credit and improve your poor credit rating. There are a lot of after bankruptcy loan companies available to choose from, however some of them may try to take advantage of your situation and charge you outrageously high interest rates and slip in hidden costs and fees. Beware when you apply, learn all you can about your options before you sign on the dotted line.
In fact, there are plenty of ways you can use to file court petition for bankruptcy. For example, if you can hire bankruptcy lawyers to do the job for you or you can avail the various online bankruptcy services available on Internet, or if you are a legal expert and you know the ins and outs of the various bankruptcy laws, you may choose to go for personal filing.
The Canadian Bankruptcy Process After having things reviewed by a licensed trustee and you determine that a bankruptcy is the best fit, you are then are able to proceed with the filing of the bankruptcy. In order to proceed with the filing the trustee will require more detail than you originally provided. At your initial meeting your trustee will have given you a number of different reference documents as well as an application form. This application form needs to be filled out and returned to your trustee's office for processing. Within this application is all the required information your trustee needs to prepare the formal bankruptcy documents. From here your file must be processed, your trustee's office will need a little time to take the information in the application form an turn it into the legal documents that will make the bankruptcy official. When your trustee is finished processing your application form they will schedule a time for you to sign these documents and formalize the bankruptcy. By signing these documents court protection will be automatically put in place. This "stay of proceedings" is protection that prevents your creditors from being able to chase you for the debt. At this point they must stop the phone calls, the interest and any other collection activity they have taken. Now practically there is always a bit of a time delay between the actual signing of the documents and all the creditors notifying all areas of their organization, but fairly quickly the creditors will be notified.. As a result of the formal filing your creditors must not deal with your trustee and you are given the necessary space to be able to focus on the duties you must complete as part of the bankruptcy process.
If you do not want to hire a bankruptcy attorney, it will be wiser for you to take advantage of the various online bankruptcy services. They are known as online bankruptcy form processors. They will help you in several ways.
The second responsibility you will have relates to the cost of bankruptcy. There is a cost to file a bankruptcy, it is a monthly cost that is largely governed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (a division of the Federal government). They have set a threshold level of income that is allowable given your family size. If your income falls below the threshold you qualify for a minimum cost that is set by the local trustee and if your income exceeds the threshold your cost of bankruptcy will be based on a calculation that is mandated across the country. Again, this is something that your trustee will review with you in detail well in advance of you filing for bankruptcy.
Personal bankruptcy loans, auto bankruptcy loans or mortgage after bankruptcy loans are the other types of installment loans you need to apply for to reconstruct your after bankruptcy credit and improve your poor credit rating. There are a lot of after bankruptcy loan companies available to choose from, however some of them may try to take advantage of your situation and charge you outrageously high interest rates and slip in hidden costs and fees. Beware when you apply, learn all you can about your options before you sign on the dotted line.
About the Author:
Frank Miller has a Debt Consolidation Blog & Finance, these are some of the articles: Forex Trading Using Forex Renko Chart You have full permission to reprint this article provided this box is kept unchanged.
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