Saturday, 4 January 2014

Home Remodeling With A Home Library

By Kathy M. Paris

The dream of having a home library is one that many of us harbor. Having a quite place of your own to read and relax with your books may be something that you have thought about for years. Of course, having a room that you can devote to a library might be a lot to ask. That's why this idea is so divine.

Asking a spouse to allow you to have an entire room devoted to your love of literature might not be in the cards but relationships and home remodeling are all about compromise. You might even find that you don't have enough books to fill a whole library anyhow. So, what about a library nook for starters? Is there a corner or a wall with a window where you could start your library nook?

A large window that you could build your library around would be perfect. A window seat complete with throw pillows and blankets might be another part of your dream that you want to include in your design. Make a list of all the spaces in your home that interest you. Visualize your library nook in those spaces and even draw a few quick plans for what you would like to do with each space. Bring these sketches to your partner and get their thoughts and ideas on the project. You might be surprised by how encouraging and excited they become about your dream.

After you have agreed on the location of your home library, begin to come up with your design. Spend some time coming up with different configurations and ideas for the area and have some fun being creative. Work through the measurements for the height, width and depth of your bookshelves while making allowances for large books that you might have or might plan on having in the future. The choices are yours to make and coming up with an appealing design that suits your needs can be challenging at times but take your time during the planning phase of your project.

Once you start looking at building materials you need to realize that all the wood involved in building your library doesn't have to be antique mahogany. The bulk of your lumber can be clear pine or similar material. Save the high end wood for what will be seen such as the front facing pieces and trim work. You can even buy different moldings to trim out your library and make it look quite fancy.

Be sure to save some money out of your budget for all the little things that you're going to want to add to your new library nook. You may want to find a comfortable chair that suits you as well as a nice lamp to light your reading area. You might also want to spend a little time browsing for new books at a flea market or your local used bookstore. Complete your library with a small table for your tea and a warm blanket and you have heaven on earth.

Building a small library in your home doesn't have to be complicated. Have some fun with the planning process, think everything through and soon you can be relaxing in the most comfortable spot in the house wondering why you never did this before. It might not be picture perfect or take up a whole room but that's in the future, right? Slowly build your collection of books and soon you'll take over the whole room. That's another project for another day though.

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