Saturday, 4 January 2014

Learn The Essence Of Interior Decorating

By Kathy M. Paris

Have you ever thought deeply about what interior decorating is about? Interior decorating can be as complex or as deep as you want it to be. When you think about it, your design can express as much about you as a person as you allow it to. Your guests can look at your living space and either be able to tell exactly what you value in life or they can see the latest trends. For most of us, our interior decor is a mixture of both of these extremes and you can show as much about yourself as you feel safe.

Even the paint that you use on the walls, furniture and flooring tells something about you. Whether you think of it or not, warm colors often convey a sense of warmth and are more inviting. Bright colors tend to wake a room up and send a message that there's a party going on and that life is lived to the extreme. Cool colors send a more sedate message and might convey a sense of freshness or calm. No matter what your favorite colors might be, using them to set the tone and send the kind of message that you're hoping to send for a particular room is important.

Allowing your being and persona to bleed through into your home decor is what interior design is all about. Letting your visitors, friends and family know who you are as a person, what your interests are and what your life is all about should be a part of your design. If you have any hobbies or if you collect things such as sailboats or a certain kind of art, let that be seen in your home design. If you love to travel or hike, let those interests be a focal point of your decor. It might feel a little risky trying to work what you might think is mundane into your home decoration but you will find that these are the things that interest people the most when they arrive in your home. People want to know about you and they will give you an opportunity to talk about the things you love.

There are more than a few of us who love literature. Many people dream of having a cozy little library all to themselves. Often the lack of space in a house to dedicate a whole room to that dream keeps that passion from becoming a reality. Of course, you can always find a space that could be converted into a sitting area that you could consider your library. Some bookshelves could be built into a quiet corner where you could keep your favorite books as well as books that you always wanted but never had the space for. A nice leather chair with a small table for your cup of tea, a warm blanket and an inexpensive reading lamp and you have your dream library.

Maybe you have traveled some and you have a favorite place that you have visited. Thoughts of this place always makes you feel good. Until you can return to that magical place, why not work some things that remind you of that trip into your interior design? A few photos or paintings or some local crafts from that part of the world could remind you of that time. Shopping for pieces that fit your need can bring you back to that place and remind you that you will return there one day. Expressing a mood or feeling that brings you joy is what interior design should do.

Surround yourself with the things you love and are passionate about in your interior design. Let yourself be bold in your color choices, accent pieces and style. Let people know who you are through your home decor and tell the story of your life and your loves through what you surround yourself with. Recreating what someone has already done is simple. Taking the time to create a home that people will know you live in takes some courage. Step out on the wild side and make your home an extension of your life and your love through your interior design.

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