Friday, 3 January 2014

Quick Wealth Creation Without Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

By Alex Blouck

Fast wealth creation and building savings as well as residual income might have been a goal of yours for some time. All of us want to become more wealthy. We want to grow and prosper. We want to have a legacy to leave to our children or build something that will be here long after we're gone. This might be a business or a charity of our own creation or even the memory of who we were left in the minds of close friends and family.

The challenge with rapid wealth creation is often the time involved. Our society has become accustomed to receiving everything very quickly. We have fast food, express lanes on our highways and even in stores. We are all so busy and demanding that we sometimes lack the patience to wait six months or a year for something that we truly desire. When it comes to creating wealth, you might have to keep this in mind. When you become frustrated and tired and just want to give up and go back to watching TV on the couch, remember these words. Anything worth having is worth working for and waiting for.

Eliminating as much debt and wasteful spending as possible is the first order of business. Create a budget and stick to it. Pay off as much debt as possible as quickly as possible starting with your least expensive bill and then work your way up the list. Add the amount that you pay towards each bill that is paid off to the next bill in order. You will find that you will be eliminating debt and interest payments rather quickly when you use this method. The amount that you pay in interest might surprise you if you took a closer look and thought about it a little bit. This money is yours and you should be spending it on something that brings you joy as opposed to making some corporate fat cat a lot of money.

Leverage your time to start a small business. This time spent creating a business and executing that plan will pay you huge dividends in the future as your business grows. All of us have skills that we can make profitable. We all have interests that with very little effort can be turned into a marketable asset for you and your family.

Let's say that you enjoy old cars. You may have tinkered with cars in the past or you dream about restoring old cars. It could be something completely different such as a knack for gardening or even a fondness for keeping your yard looking tidy. No matter what you enjoy, you can turn it into either a service business, a product business or, if you are able to write, a book that can help others to enjoy your passion or understand the specialized knowledge that you posses. If you're thinking that this will only turn your hobby into a job then think again. Can you imagine doing something that you really love and earning a profit from doing it? If you fear that this small business will just be another thing that sucks all your freedom and leisure time out of your life, don't worry about that. There is a solution to that problem.

While being a small business owner is wonderful and it comes with bragging rights, this is not your final destination. Your desire and your goal is to make some real money and generate real wealth. You can do this buy growing your business. How do you do that? It's very simple. Invest every penny that your new business makes back into that business, without exception. Put the money into advertising, educating yourself, trade shows and hiring some part time help. As your business becomes more successful you will have to hire more employees and at some point you will find either a manager or a business partner that you can trust with your business. With a partner or manager to take care of daily operations, you will be free to do what you like and still enjoy the pride of having your own business doing something that you love.

Diversify your income by further investing your profits into different traditional investment vehicles. There are many options here when it comes to investing. There is short term investing as well as long term investing that can make the money that you have grow until you need it several years from now. If you have an interest in investing presently then take a portion of your profits and invest it in the vehicle that you feel the most comfortable with, whether that be stock, precious metals or dabbling in foreign exchange currencies.

These simple steps of reducing your debt and expenses, leveraging your time and talents and growing a small business and investing the profits can turn your life around rather quickly. You may doubt that you can do this but the only thing holding you fast to that couch every night is a lack of faith in yourself. If you believe that you can do it and you have a vision for your financial future which is bright then you can and will generate wealth quickly. You deserve the best in life and so do those dear to you. Create your own financial future and become the one that takes action starting today.

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