Saturday, 4 January 2014

Treatment For Chlamydia - Options To Consider

By Jordan Swanson

n North America, Chlamydia is reported as the most prevalent among the different types of sexually transmitted disease. From all over the world, there are estimated 89 million cases of Chlamydia and the number of cases is still growing from time to time.

It is actually the leading STI worldwide, and there are many treatments that are available. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the CDC, although millions of people are currently infected with this particular condition, very few people are actually tested to determine whether or not they have this infection. In this article, we will present several options for you to consider in regard to a treatment for chlamydia if you have been diagnosed with this infection.

The symptoms of a Chlamydia can be noticed after weeks from the time the infection entered the body. But in most cases, Chlamydia shows no symptoms. Chlamydia is labelled as a silent killer kind of STD. Among the 89 million Chlamydia cases, almost 75 % of cases in women and 50% cases in men noted that infected people experienced no symptoms from the infection. They are not even aware that the infection has already entered their body.

It is important to note that this disease can affect the quality of sperm in men if left untreated. Some men develop urethritis with a discharge consisting of yellow pus, mucus with pus, or just clear mucus at the opening of the penis. Another complication, epididymitis, can cause a swollen scrotum, testicle pain, painful urination, discharge from penis, and blood in the semen.

There are several symptoms that you should look for if you are not sure if you have chlamydia or not. Women will typically have a stinging sensation when they urinate, offensive discharge, stomach aches, bleeding while having sexual intercourse, and may have unusually heavy periods each and every month.

If Chlamydia cannot be treated immediately, it will cause serious complications to the infected body. You can acquire the so-called PID or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, the worst complication of Chlamydia, if you won't treat the infection immediately. If PID will travel going to women's reproductive organ, it can cause a worst scenario of fallopian tube inflammation causing women's infertility. Chlamydia can be also the cause of chronic pelvic pain.

Chlamydia complications have higher chances to occur in women compared to men, but can also possibly occur to men. Chlamydia infection can go directly to epididymis. The transferring of Chlamydia infection to the epididymis can be the cause of so much pain, fever, and in rare cases, it causes sterilit.

It is highly contagious, therefore if you are sexually active, it is in your best interest to address this problem as soon as possible.

Avoid complications. If you are having suspicions that you are infected by any disease, go immediately to and STD clinic or to your doctor and ask for a Chlamydia test.

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