Friday 7 March 2014

Information For All Java Programmers To Follow

By Samuel Akinwumi

When it comes to programming, there are concepts that the seasoned experts may consider obvious but which a newbie may not be familiar with. In Java programming, each person is bound to make mistake or two when starting out. The mistakes will usually be found in the code structure and syntax and can be avoided with the right tips.

The first thing to do is to learn how to use the if conditions. Do not keep on testing the same if condition within a single block. Make use of if else conditions and you are guaranteed better success.

Learn of different ways to use the switch statement and the if else statement. These two statements are used in very different scenarios. A switch statement can for instance be effective in returning a result by selecting the most relevant. The if else statement will however make it easier to read and understand the entire code.

Variable initialization can be done using both for the for and the do while loop. The latter however makes for better programming practice. With a do while statement, the loop will only need to be entered once regardless of the condition you want to test.

Lazy loading of complex objects is considered an efficient method when it comes to programming. However, you should set variables when they are declared together with their default values. When a variable has been assigned an initial value, the programs become worthy of forecasting in future programming instances.

Repetition is often achieved by using the same code snippet more than once. Methods can be used when coding in order to save time and also avoid this type of repetition. Break the entire code in to methods that have been well formed and you will save yourself lots of valuable time.

Lazy initialization can also be used in place of making unnecessary objects. Making of unnecessary objects is considered an expensive process in that leads to utilization of lots of memory. This could also impact on the performance of a program.

When creating any local variable, be sure to limit its scope from the moment it is created. Public variables in java are available to all. Also, ensure you do not really too much on old code. Over reliance on old code leads to copy pasting. Copy pasting in turn makes the code vulnerable to the introduction of bugs.

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