Sunday 9 March 2014

The Best Quality Reclaimed Wood Flooring Kentucky Offers

By Jaclyn Hurley

There are always trends in interior design, some that stick and others that quickly become an eyesore. With regards to flooring, the same has occurred over time, but one thing that has stuck throughout are hardwood floors. Top quality reclaimed wood flooring Kentucky offers is one of the best solutions that will withstand the test of time.

In fact, such floors are making such a huge impact on the industry as a whole because they are so beautiful, and they're so much more behind them. For one thing, they are suitable to any architectural and interior decor design. In addition to all that, they are also the smart choice with regards to the environment.

They are good for the environment because they are recycled slats. Many come from old barns that were torn down, and instead of discarding them, they are finding a new life and a new purpose. Additionally, they require less energy to restore them, unlike other types of building materials that are hard on the environment.

With regards to interior design, they are so diverse. Moreover, this natural material is also cleaner, making it a healthier choice. It's the ideal choice for anyone with allergies, and it's very comfortable underfoot. As for maintenance, it's easy to clean.

While new wood is beautiful, nothing can be as beautiful as that which is reclaimed. The latter, however, will come at a higher cost because there is much more manual work involved and the restoration of each slot. For example, a slot may be covered in over a hundred nails. Each nail will have to be located and removed, and each defect must then be carefully corrected.

In addition to those steps, the timber has to be dried, in the open air and then in kilns. In doing so, it will provide for the ideal acclimation. As such, there will be various gradings for each, depending on the quality and many other factors of each slat. It will be graded multiple times, which will provide the consumer with the exact grade he or she has ordered.

Most people are extremely proud to install floors that have so much history in them. It makes them feel good to know that they made a good choice for the environment, but that there is also a story behind their floors. Moreover, they can shop without limitations, as there are numerous types of reclaimed wood, such as oak, cherry, maple, Poplar, Heart Cyprus, and so much more.

The important thing to keep in mind is to shop from trustworthy sources. Don't be shy to demand documentation for the source and age of the harvested wood. This is especially true if one is trying to achieve an authentic antique design in their home. Typically, age can be determined by growth rings.

Grades may vary tremendously. It's up to the consumer to be somewhat knowledgeable on the subject. Cracks, grain pattern, color variation, and a whole lot more will determine the authenticity. Very often, the stress marks are added artificially for more interest, but it's not always the case. Anyone can see that there are numerous steps involved in choosing a grade, so it's important to deal with a trusted source.

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