Wednesday 12 March 2014

What To Put Into Consideration When Purchasing A Roofing Membrane

By Alex D White

Choosing the best membrane for your building is one challenging job. Installation of a wrong roof can lead to you having to install a new one within a short time; hence, it is important to take your time and buy the most suitable one. You would need to have in mind some crucial factors in order to purchase a suitable product.

There are different types of roofing membranes supplied by different companies like International Construction Bureau. Therefore, you would need to find the most suitable one depending on its proven track record. When choosing a particular product, it is important to find out if the product has stood the test of time. You can even check around the neighborhood for houses that have that kind of roof and find out the period that such roofs have been in use. Choose a product that is strong and reliable and has been able to stand the test of time.

You would also need to choose a suitable manufacturer supplying the product. It is critical to consider the reputation that a particular manufacturer has. You can have a look at some of the roofs they have sold to customers and installed in order to find out if they are able to offer quality products.

The cost of the roof is also an important factor that will need to be considered. When considering the cost of the roof, it is important to know that it does not only involve the sticker price but other factors too. For instance, you would need to determine the cost of undertaking repairs on the roof and maintaining the roof to ensure that it remains in perfect condition. Ensure that you purchase a roofing material that is not only affordable but one that will also not cost a lot of money to maintain, and will be able to last a long time.

When buying a roofing membrane, you should also put into consideration the period of the warranty provided by the company selling the membrane. Even though it is advantageous to purchase something that provides a warranty of over ten years, you would need to ascertain if the company would still be around. It might also be necessary to estimate if the roof would have the ability to last for that long. You should also think about the exclusions within the warranty since they normally have several exclusions like hail, wind speed and ponding water. It is advisable to determine the appropriate wind speed to ensure that you are aware of what the warranty entails.

It is also important to consider who will be installing the roof. The quality of the finished roof once it is installed will greatly depend on the experience of the person installing. Find out if the product manufacturer offers installation services. Companies like ICB offer technical assistance during installation.

As the roofing membrane ages, it usually loses its original properties. This makes it critical to undertake some repairs on the roof. You should also consider if the roof can be modified in future. Make sure that you purchase a roof that can be easily modified.

Choosing the most suitable type of roof is critical. However, you do not simply consider the qualities of the roof but also other factors. Such factors include the manufacturer, warranty and installers.

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