Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Lower Theft With These National City Small Business Security Tips

By Mark Mahaffey

Because you are the owner of your own small business, it is likely that you want to earn more about the choices that you have available to you when it comes to making your business more safe from crime. One simple way is to use glass break sensors on your doors and windows.

The truth is, glass just does not provide a whole lot of protection from burglars. They can just bust the glass! It really is not that hard to break glass, especially if you have the right tools with which to work. And unfortunately, criminals know where to find the right tools. In fact, the right tool to break through a big window may be as simple as using a concrete block!

But if you have planned ahead and installed these sensors on your windows and doors, you are a step ahead. When the glass is broken, an alarm will sound and you might just be able to catch the thief before he runs off.

Another method of making your business more secure is to use CCTV cameras. There are times when you want your customers to know that you have cameras watching them. If a crook is thinking about robbing you, once he notices the cameras and realizes that his actions are being recorded, he may just change his mind and not steal from you.

This means that just the presence of CCTV cameras may be all it takes to keep you safe from crime in your business. But there will be times when you want to hide the fact that you are recording people's behavior. For example, if you want to know how a new employee is performing, you could hide the camera.

If you are unsure whether she is doing what she is supposed to when you are not around, you want to check up on her without her knowing about it. During these times, using a hidden CCTV camera is the answer. These tiny cameras can be placed in locations where they will be undetected but still record.

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