Thursday, 27 November 2014

Teach Your Child How To Defend Themself Through Karate Hartford CT

By Estelle Larsen

Children often learn how to care for themselves as well others. Learning self defense is not just about taking care of one self but take care of and respecting the well being of others. Feeling like there is some kind of control over your personal environment gives students the confidence to take care of themselves without giving in to others. Karate Hartford CT can teach each student learn how they can feel safe and secure in any situation.

This sport provides incredible growth. Students learn and grow by earning colored belts. Every time they succeed and accomplish a certain level, they earn a new belt. This is where their self confidence can take off as they feel good about every new skill they learn and are able to implement it into their sport, as well as their life.

Sports in general seems to provide most kids with a great sense of self confidence. They just feel good about themselves and can engage easier with other children. In this sport, the students learn and grow and as they get better and better, they earn a new belt. These new colored belts put them at a new level in their training, which again, feeds their self confidence and makes them feel much stronger and more assured in their abilities.

There are many curricular activities that can be chosen for young children, but this is one that covers so many levels. The physical activity combined with all the skills and emotional support builds character in these young people and teaches them how to compete with respect and dignity.

When choosing an extra curriculum activity, this one provides everything to the student. Competition, interaction as well as physical activity will keep each student working hard and feeling good about themselves.

For all children, at one time or another they have to learn to understand instructions and take directions, even if it goes against how they are feeling. During practice, students are taught to listen to their instructor and understand what the instructions are about. There is no time for ego issues when participating in this sport.

Discipline is an important skill but one that many children do not learn at an early age. Students who participate in this sport have to understand and respect the fact that discipline in going to be important in their lives. Their instructor will probably be the bad guy from time to time but it will also offer the student the opportunity to learn that listening to someone who is in charge may have value. Hurting someone is not what this sport is about and self discipline is a completely different concept. Showing compassion and tolerance to others strengthens each student and fills them with pride as they grow and understand the importance of respecting their components.

There is no doubt that this is a sport that teaches so much more than self defense. The respect that they learn for everyone is so important. They are taught how to look at and evaluate something that could potentially be a dangerous situation. Learning directions as well as taking instructions without question shows faith and trust in their instructor. The bottom line is that violence is not the solution and thinking for oneself and showing empathy for others is what it is all about.

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