Sunday, 22 November 2015

Get Plush Rocking Toys For Toddlers

By Cleveland S. Martinez

At one time every kid had a little red wagon and a rocking horse. That horse was not up to the safety standards of today. Most likely it caused a few bumps and bruises for small kids. Thanks to current safety regulations the newer models are softer and safer. Plush rocking horses for toddlers are easy to find and come in all types of animals to spark the imagination of your toddler.

The horses have been reinvented with unicorns, dinosaurs and lambs. Kids who saw elephants at the zoo or the circus can have their own plush elephant at home for rocking back and forth. The color selection includes just about every color imaginable, and active toys are a great way for toddlers to have fun.

Playing with toys is important to child development. The toy teaches gross and fine motor skills. It builds strength and coordination. Every small skill that a toddler masters builds confidence. Keeping a little one active is a good way to get kids tired and establish regular sleeping times.

Children learn by doing. Climbing up on their toy pony could be their first experience with riding a pony. Pretending is another very important part of child development. Kids naturally have great imaginations. Playing and pretending are ways to expand their imaginations and good for emotional development also.

Parents of infants have an appreciation of how motion is soothing to a fussy child. A horse that rocks back and forth is naturally pleasing to the child. Many kids will make repetitive motions instinctively when they try to calm themselves. This is another reason that generations of kids have loved these toys.

Stop by any public playground and you will usually see a riding animal secured to a large spring that has been cemented into the ground. As they run onto the playground, toddlers make their way over to this item. They see something their own size, something they might be able to do without an adult helping them. They will not be able to get to the top of that tall slide without help, but that funny animal on a spring is made just for the little ones.

With the holidays coming up, one of these would make a great gift for your little guy or girl. They make great props for pictures too. The child can wear an outfit to coordinate with the rocking animal. This is all you need for that holiday greeting card.

Be sure to buy a plush rocking horse or unicorn or dinosaur that fits the child. A dinosaur that is too tall could cause an injury. The selection is fun and colorful. Find one that you think will suit the preferences of your little one as he or she rides down that imaginary road.

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