Tuesday, 24 November 2015

What Is A Christian Social Justice Blog

By Marci Nielsen

The gospel of Jesus Christ is regarded as one founded on social justice. As the issues facing humanity change, it is not surprising to see a spectacular Christian social justice blog that captures the message in light of the teachings by Jesus. While many handle issues from a Christian perspective, few can be regarded as faithful to the fundamentals of Christianity.

A blogger who wishes to be regarded in light of Christ must be faithful to the ideals of Christianity in his interpretation. The message should not be twisted to achieve a particular end. This allows Christians visiting the site to understand the world around them the way Christ would have desired. This gives relevance to the gospel today despite a changing society.

Issues addressed on blogs can also be used to mark their identity. The aim is to provide a Christ centered solution to pertinent issues like health, environmental degradation, conservation, education, war, etc. Resource distribution and the arising conflicts also capture the attention of bloggers. Christians contribute to such debates with the aim of sharing experiences and exchanging ideas to ensure that a just solution is found.

There have been emerging issues that are not expressly provided for in the bible yet require the attention of Christians. Common among these issues is that of technology and its proper and improper use. Technology has been applied in medicine and warfare with both beneficial and devastating results. Bloggers shine light on how technology can be used to make the lives of other people better.

The people or organization responsible for running a blog may also be a sign of its content and identity. Religious leaders have appreciated the power of the internet in reaching a younger generation. They address issues of concern in a language that is easier to understand for the technology savvy faithful. The information is easier to understand for the young people despite the message having been drawn from the teachings of Christ who lived centuries ago.

It is impossible to mention social justice without focusing on politics. Leaders have a significant influence on policies that affect the daily lives of millions of citizens. As such, religious leaders and organizations endeavor to ensure that these leaders make responsible decisions. They use the forums to scrutinize policies to ascertain that they do not benefit a few at the expense of the majority.

Changes in the societies are exerting pressure on Christianity to change its stand on certain issues. Such an issues is the definition of marriage where there is a push to include gays and homosexuals in the definition. Churches and religious groups have even been split by the matter. Blogs are an excellent platform to advocate for your point of view and capture the imagination of dynamic and youthful faithful. Passing the message on blogs is easy and fast, making it preferable.

Blogs are also being used to highlight the exemplary work of leaders and groups around the world. Groups and individuals are engaged in missions to different areas around the world with the aim alleviating the plight of afflicted populations. Blogs highlight the works and the results of their work. Blogging is changing approach to advocacy and ensuring that more people have access to justice. The credibility of blogs will depend on the person or institution in charge.

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