Friday, 3 November 2017

Utilizing Tanning Accelerator To Boost Production Of Melanin

By Haywood Hunter

The substance in the body of human beings that darkens the skin is called melanin. This is contained in special cells of the skin known as pigment cells. In the presence of UV radiations, these pigments cells are stimulated to produce melanin. This is what is called tanning. This basically means that if you have more melanin in the cells, your skin becomes darker. Tanning accelerator improves melanin production, leading to finer tans.

Psoralen is a type of amino acid that is derived from plants, and it is contained in every tanning accelerator. This mainly stimulates the cell pigment so that it can increase the production of melanin by the body. Apart from psoralen, there is also tyrosine, and this is also form of another amino acid. Up to this moment, its main function has not been discerned.

People who love a good tan will be found lounging by the beach. They take advantage of the sun rays to give their skins a good tan. But this method of getting the body tanned is not really reliable because there are days of the year when the sun does not shine half as brightly as it should. These are during the winter season when it is indeed very cold. Therefore, you cannot get your skin tanned outdoor at this time.

This requires people to find ways of obtaining the same degree of tanning indoors. While tanning beds are available especially to city residents, they seldom accomplish any meaningful tan. This is why you have to go with your tanning accelerator to speed up this process.

The main role played by tanning accelerator is to boost the levels of chemical substances called melanin. These are normally found in pigment cells of the human bodies. The more melanin there is in these pigment cells, the darker the complexion of the skin.

This is where tanning accelerator comes in. It is specifically made so that it raises the level of your pigment cells. This in turn makes the process of achieving the desired tan a lot easier. Tanning accelerator can either be used outdoors or indoors.

The benefit of using a tanning accelerator is that it does not only speed up melanin production. Also, and more importantly, it moisturizes the skin, leaving behind soft and supple skin. Also, your skin will be devoid of dead skin cells. Thus, with this product, buying a moisturizer is something that is completely unnecessary.

The increase of melanin however, is not totally due to the tanning accelerator itself. It contains in it the natural enzymes that will be taken up by your skin. By the time these enzymes get to your body, it becomes possible for the body to begin producing melanin. Note that the tanning accelerator is not a producer of enzymes per se, but only serves to stimulate its production.

There are two types of tanning accelerator. The first one is the kind that is done indoors while the second one happens outdoors. This is why it is important to decide on the kind that you want before purchasing any tanning accelerator. Outdoor products are different from indoor ones in many respects. For instance, the indoor product has more tyrosine than the outside one. This is a certain type of amino acid that also stimulates the production of melanin in the body.

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