Tuesday 12 June 2018

For Sponge Blasting OH Is Worth Visiting

By Joyce Phillips

Sponge blasting is a relatively new technology that has been introduced in the world of cleaning and surfaces preparation. This method is classified under abrasive cleaning and the abrasive media used is sponge. The sponge used is propelled under high speed by compressed air towards the surface that needs to be cleaned. The process is done using a special piece of equipment. When in need of Sponge Blasting OH should be visited.

When the sponge comes in contact with the surface to cleaned, it flattens as a result of absorbing the energy from the collision. The sponge plays a very important role as an abrasive media since it absorbs the shock from the impact thus prevents any damage on the surface. Dust generated from the process is also absorbed by the abrasive media. This method of cleaning is gaining a lot of popularity in several places due to its advantages.

Within the piece of equipment used in the process is contained a self-contained blast feed unit where the abrasive media is fed. This component mechanically stirs the media by use of certain mechanisms prior to supplying it to a screw auger port. This component rotates gradually as the feeding proceeds and is situated at the base of the compartment. To propel the media, pressurized air is generated by the screw auger port.

The media is channeled through a hose and then through a nozzle. The nozzle is directed at the surface that needs to be cleaned. Usually, the media comes out of the nozzle at a speed of between 15 to 100 meters per second. The pressure can be adjusted depending on the kind of surface being worked on. When the media comes in contact with the surface, it produces a scrubbing and cleaning action that is similar to sanding effect.

This is an effective cleaning method thus it is used by several industries. Its use can be employed in nuclear decontamination, oil and gas inspection, repair works on a shipyard, depainting projects and railway rolling stock maintenance. It is also used for removing industrial rust and coating from different surfaces. The media is also used by civil engineers for projects.

In civil engineering, the media cleans various structures like concrete buildings and bridges to eliminate soot, stains and environmental pollution. In a number of house interior projects, this media also finds use. For example, since the technique ensure that the level of dust generation is low, it finds use in the aerospace interior industry where it used for cleaning.

This blasting method is also excellent when it comes to surface preparation. It can be used to remove a wide range of foreign materials from surfaces. The method is also very good for selective stripping of individual layers of coating from surfaces, especially those that are delicate. Some of the industries it is used in include polishing, deburring, and forming.

This process is ecofriendly since the sponge used is usually recyclable. This is a safe cleaning method since it does not produce any toxic byproducts. This process does not require one to use very heavy protective gear since the risks of physical harm are very minimal.

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