Friday 15 June 2018

Why Writers Should Know About The Counter Insurgency History

By Christopher Sanders

Politicians are very powerful. They have the ability and the power to turn their ideas into reality. It is their job to lead the country to the brighter future. Taking such role would never be that simple, though. It takes great knowledge, experienced, and understanding to lead people. Despite the modernization, expect that rebellions would still arise in the future. Many politicians might already create some countermeasures for that. Indeed, the best way to solve this problem is to eliminate anything that would highly trigger the public to perform a revolt. The thing, when the country is greatly affected by the economic crisis and other issues, there is a chance that an uprising would occur. Knowing tons of things about the counter insurgency history would give political leaders the upper hand.

Insurgency happens for various of reasons. This might happen due to the shrinking economic productivity of the country. It might have sprung due to unaddressed societal problems that exist in various states. These things highly matter, particularly, to a particular group of people.

They are meticulously designed to solve the major issues that exist in the country. Despite their authorities, politicians are not god. Regardless how good they are in leading the country, they too commit mistakes. They also have some flaws and personal problems.

Some of their most trusted assets would abandon them and their commands. For sure, right now, tons of you who are reading this article might be quite confused with the comparison. That is fine. Read further. At the end of the article, readers, particularly, businessmen would know why they must understand the history of counterinsurgency.

Regardless of their rank, knowing the past would greatly teach political leaders on how to be great in their field. Despite the different setup, most of the problems politicians carried right now already happen in the past. It is valuable that they learned something from the previous leaders and from the previous generations.

Imagine being born in that era. Regardless of its cost, consider what would happen to those people who are caught in the revolution. Imagine how the political leaders feel during that time. Imagine what the rebels think during those periods. Consider the perspectives of the military too.

Possessing power requires a huge responsibility. That is true for all leaders. If they like to serve the public and to be worthy of that position, they have to work for it. Even if they are knowledgeable in political aspects, some leaders still lack the experience to lead people.

To create a complicated storyline, they need to pay attention to the feelings and emotions of every character. Writers and authors should learn to interact with their readers. They could only do that if they allow their readers to learn along the way. Reading a book is like going on a journey.

He should make the time for it. With his position, learning and understanding the history is no longer an option. It is a necessity. It is something that politicians should do to avoid war, needless battles, and hopeless uprising.

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