Thursday, 2 August 2018

Easy Ways To Maximize Heating And Cooling Efficiency

By Maria Fisher

Chances are that the onset of winter is when you're most energy-conscious. Having to operate your HVAC system on a 24/7 basis comes at a considerable cost. Common sense thus dictates doing whatever you can to keep it down. However, you can't escape the fact that maximizing the efficiency of your heating and cooling Jefferson City should be an everyday priority.

It's commonly suggested that heating and AC systems account for half the average household's spending on utilities. This means that a slight improvement your unit's efficiency could unlock huge savings. The HVAC industry consensus is that this is best achieved by upgrading to a new unit. True as that is, there some steps you could take to get the most out of what you already have:

Maintain Reasonable Thermostat Settings: A thermostat set a lower temperature doesn't necessarily speed up the rate of cooling. In fact, what it does is make your equipment run longer, thus driving up your utility bills. You're better off opting for the highest temperature you can stand. While you're at it, resist the urge to fiddle with the device every now and then.

Utilize Ceiling Fans: These devices can circulate air in your home quicker than the fan(s) found on your HVAC unit. This will shorten the equipment's run time, thus reducing energy use in your home. To save the most money, consider installing fans in several areas around the house.

Keep Checking Your Filters: On paper, there's nothing wrong with changing your filters on a monthly basis. In practice, however, the rate at which dirt accumulates on these components doesn't stay constant. For instance, this can be accelerated by an increase in indoor foot traffic, as well as warm weather. It would thus help to check your filters more often during such instances and, if necessary, swap them sooner.

Avoid Restricting the Condenser: You've probably heard that this performs better when it's shaded, but don't forget that its role is to pull in air. As such, placing a cover on the condenser's exterior housing is out of the question. In fact, it'd help to ensure that there's enough clearance around it (read 5 feet). The same applies for keeping its exterior devoid of dirt and debris.

Have Your Ductwork Checked: Proper design and sizing of ducts are both crucial in enhancing the efficiency of HVAC systems. If either of them is skipped, what inevitably follows are a handful of problems. It's worth stressing that no amount of capacity on the equipment's part can make them go away. So be sure to have yours checked by a pro and, if a retrofit is recommended, have it done pronto.

In a nutshell, all you need to maximize your unit's efficiency is to straighten your usage patterns. Just don't forget to keep up with maintenance as part of your strategy. Regularly scheduled service visits can ensure the equipment stays in its best shape, but make sure to do your part as well.

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