Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Swimming With Precaution In Pools And Open Sea

By Mary Baker

Swimming regardless if it is recreational or competitive, it will always be good for you to build up the right kind of endurance, stamina and good cardiovascular condition. The truth is wither you choose to swim in the ocean or in the pool you will still be able to gain all these health benefits. However in swimming pools such as Oklahoma City swimming pools provides a safer environment for people who do not swim for sport.

A pool in comparison to the open sea is safer by nature, knowing the fact that is mostly for fun and recreational activities. Unlike the open sea, the swimming pool offers convenience when it talks about safety and management. There are also tools like life jackets and floaters to insure the safety of the children.

Pools have specific lengths and widths, and in instances when you are still training and you lose breath you can easily stop in the middle of your training and take a breather on the side. Unlike the open sea, that has unmeasured length and width, if you lose breath or in cases when you get crams, you would drown before you can get to back to the shoreline.

Most Professional swimmer are not easily affected by strong current, their endurance have been brought up to a certain level, which makes them capable of handling difficult environment in the open sea.

There is a higher percentage of people drowning regardless whether he or she is an adult or a child, some reasons behind accidents and cases of drowning in the sea is due to its unpredictable environment. The currents and the sharp stones are simply waiting for a disaster to happen.

The strong current in the ocean will not easily affect an athlete in swimming, since they have built up the right kind of endurance and stamina that separates them from those who have just recently learned to swim. However one factor that could affect these people is the wildlife, the local wildlife might see of you as a threat.

Pools on the other hand do not have the same threat or any forms of aquatic wildlife for that matter. But swimming pools are not safe either, for which bacteria causing diseases can also be a threat to a person physical health.

And that is one of the reasons why most people are afraid to take risk and swim in oceans. In comparison the pool have no aquatic wildlife and has solely been made for the comforts and convenience of the people who would like to enjoy the sport of swimming without having to fight currents or avoid any dangerous wildlife.

Professional swimmers in times when pools are occupied with recreational swimming, they tend to practice in the open sea. But knowing of how unpredictable it can get, they do look take precautions. But even though the ocean is unpredictable it is also beautiful with the rich numbers of corals and diverse species it is a good place to take summer vacations. However, always take precautions and for the children extra supervision, because unlike adults they are unaware of how dangerous the sea could get.

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