Wednesday 12 March 2014

A Man's Guide To Skin Care

By Liam Duffey

For certain men, skin care is low on the list of immediate concerns. They just might not feel motivated to deal with greasy lotions, even if the skin on their knuckles is cracking and bleeding from excessive dryness. Ignoring the need to care for dry skin is not only uncomfortable, but it can also potentially lead to infection and scars. Your skin is your barrier against the infectious agents in the world all around us, and dry, cracking skin makes gaps in that defense. So what are some of the steps that men take to give attention to dry skin?

First and foremost, a finding a good moisturizer is in order. While your skin is supposed to be producing its own layer of oils and lipids to lock in that freshness, some people's skins are real slackers in that department. Due to their genes, some just don't produce as much as they need for the area they live in. Dryness may also be caused by certain illness, such as kidney problems, and by excessive hand-washing.

Applying moisturizers might not win you any points in the manly department, but just sitting there and letting your hands become painfully dry and cracked is frankly stupid. So, picking a good moisturizer is one of the keys. You may have to do some experimenting before you settle on a product that works to your needs and tastes, since there are many, many brands available. Once you find one that shows good results without being overly greasy, you can stick to that.

But before you moisturize, remember this: most creams and lotions are made to form a layer over your skin that seals the moisture underneath. But if you have dry skin, you likely don't have much moisture to begin with, and the layer will simply block water from the outside. This is bad, because you're essentially sealing in the dryness instead of the moisture. Be sure to wet your face before you apply moisturizers.

Speaking of water on the skin, too much of that can be bad as well. As mentioned before, your skin has a protective layer of oils. Every time you shower, some of that layer gets washed away. We're not trying to say that you should stop showering entirely. That would be gross. But when you do, try not to dilly dally. Also, it helps to avoid baths, hot water and excessive use of soap.

Various soaps are also culprits of dryness. The stronger the soap is, the harder it will be on your skin. Antibacterial types and industrial types that meant for removing strong greases are the most unforgiving. Try to avoid using them if they're not necessary.

The main reason people have seasonal dry skin is because the humidity levels drop dramatically in fall and winter. The best way to fight this is to control your own habitat's humidity level with a humidifier. You can create your own personal climate in your home that helps manage dry skin any time of year.

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