Wednesday 12 March 2014

Keeping Your Kids Healthy With 3 Steps From Michael Gabriel

By Robin Setser

It's very easy for children to get sick and this is a point that Michael Gabriel can wholeheartedly support. It seems as though there are so many different items to take into consideration and the various elements can play into how healthy your kids can be. If you are someone who constantly stresses about your children being healthy - whether in school or what have you - there are ways that you can prevent them from becoming sick. Here is a list of just 3 ways that can prove helpful.

1. When it comes to kids sharing items with other kids, make sure that you set boundaries. Whether it is a matter of food, toys, or what have you, it seems as though the spread of various items can result in sickness the most. As parents, you have to be able to inform your children about the risk of sharing items with those who appear as though they are sick or are looking to get over a sickness. This is when it is most appropriate to keep your hands to your sides.

2. Kids should be wary of touching their face when out and about. This goes for the eyes, mouth, and nose in particular, as they are the ones which seem to be the most commonly touched. As one can imagine, it is important to tell your kids to keep their hands to themselves so that they do not become sick. If not, this may be a case of various illnesses coming to the surface, ranging from the common cold to a condition that requires much more attention in pinkeye.

3. If you want to stay healthy, keep in mind the importance of sleep. Michael Gabriel, as well as others in the medical field, can tell you of the impact of sleep in terms of your immune system. Children have to be able to attain a certain amount but what exactly does this entail, you may wonder? If your child is in the second grade, for instance, then you may be better off putting your kids to bed so that they can wake up with around ten or eleven hours gained.

These are just a couple of steps that parents can take if they want to keep their children as healthy as possible from day to day. Michael Gabriel will be able to tell you all about many of the other steps and you can be certain that there will be ones to follow. The food that is eaten can be made better, with various nutrients brought into effect, and the intake of vitamins might have to be looked into. Keep these ideas in mind for the sake of your children.

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